
Posts Tagged ‘lottery’

odd facts

Yes, I’m doing it again. I’m posting odd, bizarre, strange, weird facts that will boggle your minds. And, because I believe no zany fact is ever complete without my obscure and witty commentary, I’ve added that for your enjoyment. Feel free to pass along these tidbits of information to your friends and loved ones.  (more…)

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It happened – I’ve officially been granted the Liebster Award.


What does that mean you ask? It means that I am now officially a Liebster. It’s sort of a distant cousin to the lobster, only without the deep red color and fishy smell. And it’s a little bit like being a leprechaun only taller and less green. Oh let’s be real, I have no idea what it means, but I’m honored just the same that Emily at Adventures of Dog Mom, has bestowed this gracious award on all of her loyal subjects followers.

Here’s the link to Emily’s blog: http://wp.me/p2oq4C-2jP I recommend you check it out if you’re a lover of dogs.

Now this honor is not to be taken lightly; there are regulations that must be followed if you decide to accept the illustrious award. It’s sort of like living in a community governed by CC&R’s. They’re not so bad until you violate one of them. I don’t want to be a violator, so here’s my showing of respect:

Because I’m a rebel like Emily, I’m going to break the rules a bit and not nominate just 11 blogs, but rather share it with all my wonderful readers! So if you are a blogger who would like to have this award all I ask is that you tell people where it came from then copy and paste the questions below with your own individual responses. It’ll be fun. Go on. Do it.

Princess Diana. Photo courtesy Google Images

Princess Diana. Photo courtesy Google Images

What is the goal for your blog? I want to make people smile and make them aware of who I am and what I stand for.
If you could meet anyone (past or present), who would it be? I don’t have just one; I have three: Walt Disney (duh), Princess Diana, and Ellen DeGeneres.
Do you have pets? If so, tell us about them! Currently I have one purebred yellow lab named Sherlock. In the past I have had dogs, cats, horses and birds.
What is your guilty pleasure? Hmmmm. Alcohol I guess. And fresh baked bread.
If you won the lottery, what is the first major purchase you would make? Sports car. Dodge viper probably.
What is one simple thing that makes you happy? Baby anythings. I’m a sucker for puppies, kittens, baby birds, any baby animal.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Right now my answer is North Carolina, but Tennessee is really pretty, too.
What is the hardest thing about blogging? Technology. There’s really cool things I see on other peoples’ blogs that I wish I knew how to do.
What is your favorite thing about dogs? They love unconditionally. I accidentally stepped on my dog’s tail with a spiked heel and he yelped but then immediately wanted me to play with him. It’s as if he were comforting me because I felt bad for stepping on him.
What is the last book you read? Mozart Murders by Loucinda McGary.  http://www.amazon.com/Mozart-Murders-Loucinda-McGary-ebook/dp/B00JAZU5YW/ref=sr_1_10?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1398893975&sr=1-10&keywords=loucinda+mcgary
Who is your favorite musician/band? I like new age music and I listen to a lot of David Arkenstone. I also like Enya and Celtic Women. I like Toby Keith, too and pretty much all old time rock and roll. It’s hard to choose just one.


So there you have it. Now it’s your turn. I can’t wait to see your answers future Liebsters!

Word of the Day: Latitudinarian

Fun fact about me: I rarely wear the color orange.

Original post by Jansen Schmidt, May 2014. Princess Diana photo courtesy Google Images.

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