
Posts Tagged ‘college’

A big shout out to everyone who’s graduating or knows someone who’s graduating. Congratulations!! Graduating, be it from high school, college, or Kindergarten, is a huge deal. It’s a progression from one thing to something bigger and better. The commencement of a new chapter in the lives of those fortunate enough to have completed requirements necessary to advance.

Not to be a downer, but here’s a little secret to graduates everywhere: School never ends. As Kid President says, “We are all students and we are all teachers.”

And, because I love him so much, and I cannot relay information the way he can, here’s a message from Kid President to graduates of life. Enjoy!

Now get out there and dance!

How about you readers, what have you learned today? What lesson do you want to pass along to others? What’s the greatest piece of advice you can give for anyone graduating into the next phase of their life? Inquiring minds want to know.

Take care and don’t forget to be awesome.

Word of the Day: Olla

Fun fact about me: I have graduated from 4 different schools.

Original post by Jansen Schmidt, May 2015. Video courtesy YouTube (Soul Pancake).

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